Countless wise men and women have pointed out that the universe is big. In fact it’s really big. To acquire some perspective on how incomprehensibly huge the fabric of space-time is, imagine yourself infinitesimally small. Space itself does not, contrary to popular belief, scale with human beings and behaves more or less the same without regard to your rescaling exercise. So, for the sake of argument, say that it remains at its present size. How big would it seem to you now? And I have not mentioned the concept of multiversums yet.
We live most of our life in the narrow two meter space above the planet’s surface, or it’s manifactured equivalents, called floors or whatever, facing the omnipresent day to day realities of our existence. To be able to put things in a slightly larger perspective it is usefull to look up and beyond this two meter band every now and then. Both the mind’s eye and the physical eye will be rewarded well. Feed words like astronomy, astrophysics, or something similar into the search engine of your choice, then click around and sit back. Bon voyage.